Nile blend crude oil assay

<p>Intertek crude oil services: Crude oil assay; Crude oil cargo inspection; Cargo additive treatment Services; Oil and gas reservoir expertise.</p>

Selecting a crude oil from the following list will display the assay data and crude oil washing recommendations from EI HM40.

Perenco Congo SA operates the Southern PNGF fields.

In the international petroleum industry, crude oil products are traded on various oil bourses based on established chemical profiles, delivery locations, and financial terms. Arab Medium, 30.2. Crude: Nile Blend. H2S in Oil Phase ppm: -.

Benzene %wt: -. H2S in Vapour. A light, sweet, and waxy crude oil. Crude oils. The Khartoum refinery processes Nile blend crude, which has a low sulphur content and high fuel-yield.

Different crudes assay (six samples of Sudanese crude oil) with different properties Nile blend feedstock, the crudes which are considered has an API gravity.

The additional refinery capacity from the expansion. Crude grades. Data from crude oil assays. Properties of oil. Crude oils of This image shows Nile.

Cargo sizes will be around .

CongoRep runs the oil fields of Emeraude and Likouala, whose production is blended with Djeno.

Such oils are highly. Crude oil testing and assay services provided by Intertek support customers from the well-head to the refinery across the world. Each crude oil reservoir and. Copyright Alberta Oil Sands, Enbridge and Trans Mountain Pipelines Nile Blend. 33.9. The PRISM Crude Assay Blend Optimizer uses an LP solver to blend crude to meet user defined crude properties. It is primarily used by crude oil traders to. The Johan Sverdrup Oil Field development has been given the green light and major contracts have been awarded.

Johan Sverdrup is among the largest oil fields on the Norwegian shelf, and will at peak contribute with 25% of the production from the Norwegian shelf. As with all high wax crude oils, Nile Blend requires careful handling during loading, carriage and discharge with regard to the cargo temperature. Four crude oil-loading berths are available for tankers ranging in size from 18,000-350,000 deadweight tons. The maximum allowed draft ranges from 15.9 meters at Jetty No.1 to 22. m at Jetties 3 and 4. Typical characteristics. The additional refinery capacity from the expansion should help alleviate the short supply of refined products available in Sudan, while giving the country some additional export capacity. The Port Sudan. A crude oil assay is essentially the chemical evaluation of crude oil feedstocks by petroleum testing laboratories.